Libido: Lust for Divine


Women have as much libido as men, and sometimes more.

Libido is natural sex drive. While is perceived in the physical body, it has elements of the emotional, psychological, and spiritual energies.

Libido fluctuates for women and men throughout life for many reasons.

Women recalibrate their sexuality throughout life.

Menopause is one such passage of recalibration that can mess with libido.

Fiery Forties

Early on in perimenopause, the libido can turn fierce. Fiery forties, I call it. The surge in the urge for sexual satisfaction can be either frustrating or thrilling, depending on what’s going on in your life.

As menopause proceeds, libido can seem to disappear. It’s distressing for women who once enjoyed sex, and now have no desire. It’s troublesome for relationships, because a woman’s partner still wants her to meet their sexual needs.

Low libido is a symptom of menopause that allopathic medicine tries to treat with hormones, drugs, antidepressants, or psychotherapy, with unreliable results, and often with side effects.

The word “menopause” is a patriarchal term that has come to devalue a woman’s change from fertile childbearing to infertile aging.

Let’s take a higher view of libido, and see what’s really going on.


A vast erotic connection with all that is

Desire and drive which once sought physical expression turn inward.

Libido that for a lifetime has poured into creating relationship, career, family, babies, and caring for others, meeting their expectations and needs –

Suddenly a woman wants to keep all her libido for herself.

At midlife, she’s processing all her life experience, including pain, trauma, as well as joy and ecstasy, and taking a PAUSE to listen. To heal. To discover her Self. To birth Wisdom.

Most of the women I work with are investing time, money, attention, and devotion to nurturing an intimate and expanded relationship to Spirit. This newfound love may feel more compelling for a time than any other relationship.

The libido that stokes her inner sacred fire ignites a vast erotic connection with all that is: Nature, the Cosmos, the Web of Life, the Divine.

This is necessary work for the woman, and for the planet.

The woman engaged in this vast sexual and spiritual recalibration is preparing for Elderhood. She’s on a sacred and spiritual journey into wisdom and leadership. This journey can take years.

It begins with this physical PAUSE at midlife, that opens a new door, and channels libido in new ways.

But what about SEX?


The good news is that once she’s found her feet on this path of sexual and spiritual recalibration, libido returns to the physical body.

The tricky thing is that she probably won’t be satisfied by sex the way it used to be.

She’ll want her partner to meet her in this new fullness of cosmic relationship.

Her libido craves sex that honors the sacred in her and in her partner.

That’s a continuing story.

Supporting women

through this sacred recalibration of the midlife PAUSE is my work in the world.

I’ve opened some spaces for private work with me in Orgasmic Alchemy — A Wild and Wise Initiation.

I’ll be your guide on your sacred transition through menopause sexuality into the intimacy with your Spirit, Body, and Mission in this life.

In Orgasmic Alchemy, I meet you where you are on your menopause or perimenopause journey to:

  • support you as you identify your deepest desires,

  • get to know your NEW libido,

  • and reclaim your sex life as a sacred woman, the way you want it to be.

    Click here to email me and say: “I want this!”

    I’ll ask you a few questions to get to know you and your menopause journey, and if it looks like a fit, I’ll share the invitation to Orgasmic Alchemy.

    Deeper intimacy is with Life, Spirit, and your Beloved is yours now.

Carla Sanders