Arousal is Womb Wisdom

The mystery and miracle that is female sexual arousal is a natural expression of Womb Wisdom.

Female sexual arousal follows a multi-dimensional, spiraling path – in the manner of all feminine energy.

Pools deep.

Soars into vastness.
Takes its own time.
Sings hormonal call and response.
Cycles between excitement and enjoyment.

Responds to adoration and attention.
Opens the channel to orgasm – which opens the floodgates to creation.

Welcome to Part 3 in my series on the four main sexual issues people take to their doctor during midlife/menopause. Part 1 was Libido: Lust for Divine. Part 2 covered the problem of pain. Part 3 explores difficulty with arousal. This is a long article so I'm breaking it up into two letters.

Arousal refers to the body’s ability to respond to sexual stimulation. In women this is roughly analogous to a man not being able to get or maintain an erection.  

Sometimes there are physical or medical reasons for difficulty with arousal in women. A lot of them seem to happen around menopause. These include hormone imbalance, sleep deprivation and exhaustion, stress, adrenal fatigue, overwork, food sensitivity, medications, surgeries, or other medical treatments, and sexual boredom. If you suspect some of the issues are affecting your body’s arousal response, you’ll need wholistic, sex-positive support and possibly a team approach to help bring your life and body back into balance.


You’ll want a new perspective on how female arousal works, and what it means in a woman’s life beyond the bedroom.

Arousal prepares a woman for orgasm. On a cosmic level, orgasm is a channel of divine creation. For part of her life, this creative energy may be channeled into creating a new human.

A woman is creative throughout her life. If she does not desire a baby, or she is in menopause, sex is still an invitation for the creative impulse.

Know this: Pleasure and orgasm feed your creativity and channel the orgasmic energy into a different kind of creation – whatever you want!

Learning how your arousal really works and how it may change in menopause helps to open the gates of Womb Wisdom, which becomes even more powerful during menopause.

Women’s Sexual Arousal is Womb Wisdom – a new perspective that can change your life.


Sexual arousal might become elusive during menopause. It may disappear all together. It can be frustrating and despairing when you want to be sexual, but your body no longer responds the way it did when you were younger.

Arousal includes erotic feelings and sensations – pleasure and wanting sexual connection, with or without penetration. Physically arousal leads to engorgement of erectile tissue. A woman has as much erectile tissue as a man has. Your clitoris and other erectile tissues fill with fluid, and become soft, fluffy, puffy, and receptive.

In most women, this process of engorgement takes time: as much as 30 to 45 minutes! In a menopausal woman, engorgement may take longer.

This need for time is both normal and wise. It’s expressive of the spiraling vastness that is feminine sexual energy. It creates space for the body, mind, and spirit to open to layers of orgasmic possibility.
This is not a fantasy. It is womb wisdom.

Men have a different timeline of arousal, and can go from flaccid to ejaculation in a few minutes. This feature of male sexuality (which is not the whole story of male sexuality) has been misapplied to female arousal. As a result, women often believe they are taking too long, or that something is wrong with them. Many women are not orgasmic because they feel rushed, or shamed about the time they need.

You are not taking too long – You aren’t taking long enough!

Foreplay was invented to efficiently get a woman ready for penetration – real sex.

Please, let go of the idea of foreplay. There is no such thing.

It’s called making love. It’s real sex.

Womb Wisdom knows the journey to engorgement is one of pleasure and connection. Your womb knows what you need to feel safe, loved, and completely supported in your power.



You don't have to do this alone!

You deserve support and guidance working through the sexual and spiritual aspects of your menopause transformation.

I offer the customized, 1:1 support you need through Sex and Menopause: An Orgasmic Awakening for Midlife Women.

In our three months of work together, you will reignite your desire and libido so you can
🌺 Enjoy sacred, soul-nourishing sex that honors your pleasure and your desires.
🌺 Connect with your orgasmic energy so you are a clear channel for divine downloads.
🌺 Pause in your giving long enough to RECEIVE.
🌺 Trust yourself so completely you always know what you want, and can express it – this extends beyond the bedroom into all parts of your life.

I’m opening spaces now for this private work with me in Sex and Menopause: An Orgasmic Awakening for Midlife Women.

I invite you to step into this work with me. All you need to do now is send me an email and say: I’m ready for support on my menopause journey. I’ll ask you a few questions to make sure it’s a good fit, and if yes, I’ll send you all the info.

Carla Sanders