The Dark Truth about the Solstice

At the Winter Solstice in the North, we celebrate the return of the Light.


The yearning for the light is in our DNA. Even though the coldest, hungry months of winter are ahead of us, we take hope from the slight lengthening of days.

As modern post-industrial humans, this truth is buried in our collective unconscious. We turn on the lights, the movies, the internet, and disrupt the cycles of the body and of our Soul.

What has that cost us and what has it cost our planet?

Lest you feel this is going down a negative spiral, I have good news.

You are going down a spiral, and the spiral is positive – and necessary.

We just had a Full Moon empowered by the Galactic Center and Jupiter (super huge expansive energy).


The keynote of the Full Moon is “The truth will set you free! But first, it will piss you off.”

Jupiter expands everything it touches, so be aware of this Jupiter energy throughout the holidays, and touch consciously. To get support with this, book below:

Carla Sanders